
Showing posts from July, 2018

Pregnancy Safe Beauty Products for Moms that Help your Skin in Pregnancy

Pregnancy is very problematic situation for woman. There are many does and don'ts. If you feel that you got pregnant, you don't just only take care of your food activity, you also have to be particular about things you put in your body.   Doctors can warn you to completely avoid chemically formulated moisturizers, eye creams, or even makeup, can affect your unborn baby somehow. There are also lots of pregnancy safe beauty products , crime etc. available that can be used while pregnancy available in online and offline market. Avoid Toxic Beauty Products You must be avoid anti-aging products that contain chemical components. Chemicals such as parabens, lead, propylene glycol, are toxins that can get into the bloodstream and cause problems in the fetus. If you are regular user of anti-aging creams with bleaching or whitening property, just avoid them right now, It mat effect your unborn baby and also your skin in pregnancy period. Pregnancy Skincare for Pregna...